Monday, August 20, 2007

New Kittens!!!! (5)

  • I have 5 new baby kittens
  • All have Calico Mom
  • No idea who their Daddy is
  • There are at least 2 girls
  • They are beautiful.
  • Some are Calico
  • You need one!
  • I am not kidding!
  • Like go ask yiour mom or husband or wife or dad or whoever you need to ask so you can get one.

So thats not the real story...

But this is......

So 2day me + Kemp r @ bishop which is my mom's work. this lady just had a historectomy. So she couldn't move anything. SO me + Kemp were volunteered to move all of her stuff out of her portable into another portable because hers was being condemned. Because of Mold. eew! That made me not really want to do it but i helped anyways. evn though i would have no choice anyways.

To be continued.......

Monday, July 30, 2007

FAT CAMP Continued....

Those r pics frm camp.

I am not sure where i left off exactly. so. I will tell u sum more. i ges. so we had a girls + boys night at camp. The Boys had a ton of fun, a blast. The girls. didnt. I HATED IT!!! The boys did this: Played tug of war with a truck, mud wrestled, whacked each other with things, + other "boy" things. + had a 15 minute talk about how 2 b good to girls. The girls did this: had an hour talk about how God owns ur body + stuf + then had wedding cake + mints. + then had a "surprise" Lual!!! omg! jk. I SKIPPED IT!!! IT SOUNDED DUMB! + i had already swam that day. i didnt feel like hanging out with a bunch of freak girls in a pool. Not fun 2 me. Me, Robyn, + my mom all skipd it. We packed instead. + then went 2 bed. aftr hearing the "human juke box" game till 2am!!! The othr church group was so loud! + we wer tryin 2 get 2 sleep!!! gsh.

My mom got a call @ 6am saying that Katie my sister had rolled out of bed + hit her tooth on the corner of the bedside table. She hit her tooth back into her head, her gums. She + my dad were in Slidel, Louisisna for Softball Nationals. So we had 2 leave camp early with Kemp + JD. Kemp didnt put n his contacts bcuz he was hurrying so fast so we could all leave. He couldnt see. atall. He is BLIND AS A BAT!!! lol.

SO... we left for Slidel. a 6 hour drive from Pineywoods. it was so fun! We had ran out of clothes. So we had 2 stop at a washateria wen we got there. it was kool. Oh + i got a surprise on the way. a new phone!!! A motorola razr!!! blue. navy. It was sooooo kool!!!!! OMG! lol. So then we got there + went 2 her softball game. she had been 2 a dentist + they told her 2 not play. but she did it anyways. lol. so we stayed at a reely nice hotel + went 2 all her games. she didnt win but she still has a good scar. lol.

Ok. was a 9 hour drive back. + i was craving SUBWAY!!! so i got it. i was so freaking happy!!! yay. 6" sub w/ ham, chz, mayo, + blk olives! ik weird but so delish!!! lol.


We went 2 church a lil late + went 2 the ice cream fellowship. It was kool.

OH! + Kemp did the ropes course! I was + am sooooooooo proud of him!!!! omg. those 2 2 pics 4rm d ropes course @ youth camp. k well g2g 2 bed. bye.
Rocky (Loves Kemp!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Youth, I mean, Fat Camp/Louisiana

Ok. so i got back from youth camp + Louisiana on Sunday @ 7pm. we left for youth camp on Mon. With all the youth. it was kool. i had sooooo much fun! omg omg omg. well anyways...heres my story(s)

We had jst got there + they had told us that we could only walk places + could not ride in any cars or vehicles of any sort. so we all decided that it was secretly a FAT CAMP. esspecially after we tasted the food. it was gross. they bought gross stuff so that they wouldn't have to buy as much because some ppl wouldn't eat it. ick. So at Fat Camp we walked prbly 500 miles all week! jk. maybe idk. jk. but a lot! lol. divide that by 10. hehe/ lol. And Aaron, you know, our youth minister, he didnt get to come to youth camp. he came down on Thursday night + left, well, thursday night. so we had Jon (the helper of Aaron). he was a boy chaperone. + so was Jackie B. + my mom + Cheryl B. were the girl chaperones.

i will finish this l8r..... g2g. bye.

Love, Rocky. to be continued!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Thank you. + more.

Thanks to all of yall that commented my blog about Callie. i kno i would not be able to deal with it as well if yall wernt n my life, and of course my family and other friends.

Okay so here is another very small story about Callie, this reely shows that she has a very strong opinion about things. lol.

We were in the car and we were all takling about how many children we want and if we want to have them at all. i said that I wanted to have 3 kids. and this is what callie said,

"I only have one word for you Rocky, Ouch."

Isnt that hilarious? lol. Well this is the 2nd of 2 incidents like this. before it involved tears. like this...

Okay so we were in the car and Callie was asking about children, she asked if it hurt to have kids, and mom of course said, "yes Callie, it does." And she burst into tears!!! We had no idea why. We asked her what was wrong and she said she didn't want to have kids. We told her she didn't have to. she said, " i dont? i thought evryone had to have kids." but she kept going on about it so i finally said, " Callie! No kid with alstrom has ever had kids!" We had been waiting to tell her that bcuz we didnt kno how she would take it. she sed," thats good to kno." we all laughed. hardcore yo. not evn kidding.

She talked about how she was gonna adopt a nice kid and feed it amazing foods. Yes she is for sure an Alstrom Syndrome kid. They are all obsessed with food. Speaking of Alstrom and food.

At the conference this little girl who has Alstrom wouldnt eat anything. So Callie went over there to her and sed, " You are an Alstrom Syndrome! You are supposed to always eat! And always want to eat!" So the little girl went and ate. It was hilariuous.

Okay well sry but i must go. lol. ttyl. bye!


Rocky (loves Kemp+ her sis Callie duh.)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


lets see if this slideshow reely works. Its one of me + my true buds! yeah! Then another blog about Callie following. please read it.

Hey. This is something that i need to say and saying wat i reely and truely think.

Well, you know how in a past blog i worte about how Callie, my sister has Alstrom Syndrome? + ecrything about it? well not evrything but sum? This is some more things that I need to say. It is very difficult to have a sister like Callie, or evn a family member. There are many mor things you hav 2 deal w/ than "normal" families do, well if there are any "normal". It makes life a lot tougher. But it is also a blessing. It helps you and lets you understand how other ppl feel who hav special ppl in their life and you kno to stand up for any one who is special. EVER! I ♥ Callie.

She has taught me so many things in my lifetime that she can't even begin to know or understand. I appreciate so much more because I have her in my life. Callie is one of the happiest, funniest, funnest and all around beats people out there. She doesn't let being blind, deaf, diabetic and many othe disabilities stop her from doing anything. Except eating sweets, she can't do that. :) She runs into walls, poles, and trips over cats, dogs, and everthing else in the floor and just jumps (not exactly) rite bak up and says, " I am bind! Hello! What do you expect?!?!?" She always makes us laugh with that one. and almost anything else she says. I mean she evn has excuses for not doing her homework. SHe says, " I am deaf! I didnt hear you say our homework! Speak louder next time if you want me to hear it." She is hilarious. I mean what can you say back to that?

She is now going into 6th grade. Middle school. ahh! i hate that i am moving 2 high school and wont get to be there for her first year. man. Another kool thing about her is that She gets sarcasm. She has since she was like 6. Its amazing. wat other kid do u kno that gets that wen shes that young?

With Callie having alstrom, life is a lot different, well duh u prbly r saying, but in many ways. I mean, you have to chng the diets of wat you eat sometimes, you have to sighted guide her, you hav to talk louder to her, esspecially wen she dznt hav in her hearing aids. The othr day Callie sed, "Kemp, Can you ask mom such + such?" He sed, "yeah." Then she asked him that like 3 more times + he sed "yeah" over and over agin til he finally sed, " Callie! I hav told you Yes 4 times!" then i sed, " She's deaf!" It was so funny.

Callie trys to be very independant, and she is. She will walk off by herself bcuz she thinks sumthing is sparkley or shiny. ik that sounds dumb but think about it this way, if u wer almost all of the way blind wouldn't you think that shiny or sparkley things wer amazing? Dnt deny it, u kno you would. Wen we wer in Boston after Callie had jst finished 2nd grade, We wer at Quincy Market + she ran (well walked) off by herself because she saw a clock which she thought was amazingly shiny and kool. We panicked and looked evrywhere 4 her and found her ooh-ing and aww-ing at the clock. She did get in trouble, but. ya know. She also LOVES things that feel good, silk, velvet, and those kinds of fabric. I mean she cant see em so she likes the feel of things, if ya know wat i mean.

Alstrom has emmotional things also. They some of the time die wen they are younger. i think the avg years of living is 17-19 years. It is sad, ik, but I can a lot of the time handle it betr than i used to could hav. But ya kno. She has jst been diagnosed w/ prbly having a heart defect thing. It hurts my feelings and jst me in general. but. Ther is nothing i can do about it. I jst hav to deal w/ it. hardcore, ik. But ik that I can do it. At least i have family and friends and That Callie does too that have to deal with all of this stuff with me. I mean Callie has SOOOOO many ppl that love and support her. We hav a coins for Callie donation jar thingy that ppl who dnt evn kno us hav supported evrything and Callie w/o evn knowing how much it helps! It does break my heart to kno all of this stuff about Callie and all of evrything. But i am greatly glad that ik it all. I would hate that 2 b a surprise. I nprmally love suprises but that ouwld b a SUCKY suprise if u kno wat i mean. It would b much harder on me if it was sudden than if its over a period of time. If u get wat i am saying. Dnt u agree? well anyways I jst felt like saying that now. It helps a lot. Thanks.


Rocky (♥'s Kemp)

(+ her sister Callie.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

They Moved. :( ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :(

Isnt Kemp so funny??? Kitty. lol. jk. that was at the lake. on a tree. its a sideways tree. lol.

Oh my,wel Audrea, Jeff, and Gideon (funkycoldmedinas) moved 2 Georgia Sunday. It is sooooo sad! omg. i hate it. but thats where they needed to go so i am okay with it i ges. lol. ahhh!

Well on anthr note, I am helpin mom at her school, Bishop, Its not 2 fun, but I get 2 c Kemp @ lunch. lol. And aftr. Cuz his parents r out of town. lol. I am filing ESL papers. Into records and other things. lol. wow. its is not fun at all!!! ahhh! oh my gosh! hehe. I like it that some r n alphabetical order. Sum rnt + that sucks, lol. NOT KIDDING!!! This is how my life is goin rite this minute. Well Zach jst got here 2 help i ges, idk. lol. its kool. he called + sed, "is the door 2 bishop open?" lol. He is tellin us about his story about the drunk drivers last nite, that almost hit them. They followed them + stuff. its kool.

Well i hav w go work. ahhhhh! omg. ttyl. bye.



Rocky (♥'s Kemp)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Typing Lingo...shyeah!

ok so this is 4 evry1 that dznt exactly "understand" wat i say wen i type/talk on the comp(uter). ok?

ttyl-talk to ya later

imya-i miss you already

imy-i miss you

ily-i love you



omg-oh my gosh


ik-i know


idk-i dont know

dk-dnt kno


oh my!-oh my!

hehe-(sound of a laugh)

lol-laugh out loud


haha-(sound of anothr laugh)




wachow!-(sound effect)

meow!-(sound of a cat/kitten)

idc-i dnt care

g2g-gotta go/got 2 go


heck yes!- heck yes!

ok...if yal hav any othr ?s about the things i write....then ask me wat certain things mean + i will reply + tell u, or ill say it on anthr 1 of my posts.


So yesterday Grant, the cat, died. it was sooooo sad + still is!!!

But thats the 5th cat that has died at my Mama's house. out of 7. yes, ik. sad!

The first 2 cats she had we found @ Bishop. Patches (Briar Patch) + Rosey (Briar Rose). Patches was run ovr + Rosey broke her leg + was put 2 sleep. (2) :(

Ok so then Psycho (my momma cat) had 4 kittens... KJ, Tyrone, Beast, + Rascal. Mama took KJ, Beast, + Rascal. KJ was killed by a dog. Beast ran away, + she still has Rascal (now a year old). (2) :(

So Psycho has 2 mor kittens, didnt giv any 2 Mama. Now 6 months old, all still alive. (0) :)

So then Psycho had 5 mor kittens, we gav mama, Kemp, + Grant. Grant was killed sumhow. + she still has Kemp. (1) :(

SO we hav lost 5/7 kittens! SOOOOO SAD! ahhh... :( :( :( :( :(

But anyways. 2day we r takin Mama 2 mor of our kittens, Kaylee + Tatineshike. yes, ik. an amazing name. lol. well...we went 2 Zach Young's house 2 say hey w/ the kittens. BAD IDEA!!!

They hav 2 dogs, Pirate + Nalu. Pirate is short + fat + Nalu is shortish + skinnyish, idk reely. But agin anyways. the kittens say them + the dogs saw the kittens + i hav SCARS!!! the cats clawed at us + ahh!!! NOT FUN! lol. Now im at Bishop + the cats r asleep on each of my legs! HOW CUTE!!!


Rocky (loves Kemp)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I love Aunt Kaka + my Daddy too.
They were both complaining how I only out dwn that I love Kemp instead of them also. so i wrote that. I hope yall liked THAT! lol. jk. (just kidding) thats 4 Audrea + Paulette. lol. They cant reely read my computer writing. lol I hav 2 go now but my next post i will explain wat I am writing and wat the words mean. lol. JST 4 YALL!!!
Rocky (loves Kemp) +Aunt Kaka + her Daddy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Alstrom Conference= a blast!!! omg. u hav no idea.

Callie is the girl next to Kemp. (Man. on the left towards the back)Callie has red glasses + a cane. she is kind of behind Kelsie (girl on centerish front.) + me. (girl on the rightish front.) Oh my! the Alstrom Conference was amazing. i loved it. i cant even explain how awsum it was. Ok so it started out with me taking all of my finals. 6. on Wednesday so that I could skip skool on Thursday. it sukd. but I got to skip the last day of skool. I was sad to say bye to evry1 early but it was kool. The conference was evn betr. omg. so Me, Kemp, Chanelle, Matt, Zach, and Ryan. + of course, my mom. we all wer the main helping teens there. me, Kemp, + Matt got to skip some skool. Me + kemp thurs. Kemp> Thurs+ fri, + Matt> fri. it rocked. Wed nite= a training for the buddies on how to take care of the alstrom kids. matt & ryan didnt go they couldnt get ther. Zach, me, Kemp, and chanelle went though.

Wait! idk if yall know wat alstrom is. ok. its kids, teens, + adults. all ages can get it. so... symptoms:


-hearing loss


-acantosis nigracans (idk how 2 spell tho. lol)

-cardiac problems

-high blood pressure

-lots of other things!!! omg

My sister has this, her name is Callie. She is so much fun. Ppl do treat her different evn if she acts almost normal. its reely dif to hav a sister that has all of these prblms. u get sor of used to the blind/deaf/diabetes. but the other things are still a lil uneasy. but i love callie. she is so kool. omg!!!

OK. so bak 2 d conference. Thurs. ok so on thursday evry1 came up ther aftr skool + met their buddies + things. it was kool. we ate dinner + then evry1 stayed d nite. xcept Ryan.

ok so friday. evry1 was ther we got up @ 6 30am. ahh!. 2 early. lol. but its ok. their breakfast was GREAT!!! not kidding! ok. We all ogt our buddies. ppl went o their own places. trips. me + Kemp tho. stayed in the toddler room. with Pheobe (Austrailian girl that so cute! 2-4 year old ish), Nacho (lil 5 year old boy that speaks spanish, hes from spain. hes my fave!!!), + Kayla (lil girl that looks like a Who frm Whoville. shes 4rm idaho.) + a few other lil grls + boys. they r so cute!!! + then that nite we all ate + then went 2 d rm. + slept, aftr we made a FEW inside joke. uh cant say them though. hehahehaheha.

Ok so Saturday. We hung out n d mornin. we wer sposd 2 go 2 6 flags. but it was pourin rain. so we went 2 d mall + main event. i got jewelrey. it rocked! anchor blue. hehe. $30.31. cost. expensive. BOGO 1/2 off. rocks tho. lol.+ I had fried pickles 4 lunch + sum fries, + then we went bak + ate dinner + went 2 bed. lots of MORE inside JOKES> cant say them either. lol. sorry. hehe.

Ok so Sunday. it rokd. we hing out that mornin. + then we all went 2 whataburger (d teens i mentioned earlier) + then all d alstrom ppl went 2 mainstay farms. it rokd. i LOVE that place, + I LOVE KEMP!!! + i had brisket + peach cobbler 4 dinner. it was freakin amazing!!!!! ahhhhh!!! lol. NOT KIDDING!!! + then Matt, Chanelle, + Ryan went home that nite. Me, KEMP, + Zach stayed. lol. we rnt wimps. lol. jk matt + ryan!!! hehe.
Monday. me + Kemp went 2 sib shop n d mornin. then we cleaned the rest of the day! it sukd. thats the end of the conference. It was amazing. i had been waiting 3 years for it. lol. ok well i hope u liked my blog. lol. ttyl. bye.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cookin' w/ Kemp.

Thats a SEXY pic. dnt cha think? lol. sooooo HOTT!!! thats at d lake watchin a movie. i fell asleep on Kemp. if u can't tell. heha. Omg. Man. Yesterday (Sat.) we went 2 d church + made calzones 4rm like 10am to like 3pm. it took 4evr!!! omg. so we ran out of calzone bread evn tho we had like ovr 100!!! ahhh. lol. so we hav 2 go bak on Wed. 2 finish it

So 2day we had d calzone lunch @ church + it was sooooo fun. evn tho i had a headache + was dizzy a lil aftr evry1 was startin 2 leave. it sukd. but Kemp helped me.

Hes sooooo sweet! lol. so this aint gushy. gooshy. gushie. goushie. gooshey. idk. i can spell a lot but sum words i suk at. haha. i can spell stuf like through, though, their, they're, there, to, two, too. but not easy words. lol. its funny. heha. shyeah! but i like bein funny.

so anyways bak on subject.....uh idk wat i was talkin about so let me read up. oh! so aftr we cleaned up @ d church we all came 2 my house 2 finish makin gumbo that we had started last nite.

(flashback........ so its Sat. nite. 1 am. jst got home aftr takn Kemp home 4rm we wer done makin most of the gumbo. + while makin it i ate HOT SAUCE that Tracy made 4 me 4 my bday evn tho my bday was April 9th. lol. lol. lol. lol. lol. ok well ha.
+ we turned on d TV 2 channel 180. (DISH) + watched the freakin worst movie (if u can evn call it a movie) called Lovewrecked. it has Amanda Bynes. she is a awful actor. ahhhh. + it was about how she followed sum rock star onto a ship + then they both fell ovr board + got ship wrecked on a deserted island. well they though it was deserted. so she went out lookn 4 food aftr about 3 days of bein shipwrecked and found out that they wer jst on d othr side of d island. + she didnt tell him so she could spend time wit him! FREAK! it sukd. but makn Gumbo is sooo much fun. ok. flashforwrd......)

Ok so now we r all havn ppl ovr cuz its d 5th Sunday. so we dnt hav church 2nite. so we r havn ppl ovr 4 Gumbo. lol. so this is perty fun. i didnt think i would hav anything 2 write about. but i do. its fun. hehe. so i ges i mite repost stuf on dis wen i hav time. evn tho i hav a life. since this is my 1st blog entry. lol. its kool.

Kemp is sittin rite next 2 me doin his HW. its kool. lol. this blog stuf is ok i ges. heha. well i hav g2g eat. sry lol. so yesh! ok well ttyl. bye.
Love Always and Forever,
Rocky (love Kemp)