New Kittens!!!! (5)
- I have 5 new baby kittens
- All have Calico Mom
- No idea who their Daddy is
- There are at least 2 girls
- They are beautiful.
- Some are Calico
- You need one!
- I am not kidding!
- Like go ask yiour mom or husband or wife or dad or whoever you need to ask so you can get one.
So thats not the real story...
But this is......
So 2day me + Kemp r @ bishop which is my mom's work. this lady just had a historectomy. So she couldn't move anything. SO me + Kemp were volunteered to move all of her stuff out of her portable into another portable because hers was being condemned. Because of Mold. eew! That made me not really want to do it but i helped anyways. evn though i would have no choice anyways.
To be continued.......
Way to help out, chickadee. And new kittens! I need to see them!
Okay. So you FINALLY update your blog and I'm almost a week late in reading it. New kittens, eh? And you don't know who's the daddy? Shameful.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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