lets see if this slideshow reely works. Its one of me + my true buds! yeah! Then another blog about Callie following. please read it.
Hey. This is something that i need to say and saying wat i reely and truely think.
Well, you know how in a past blog i worte about how Callie, my sister has Alstrom Syndrome? + ecrything about it? well not evrything but sum? This is some more things that I need to say. It is very difficult to have a sister like Callie, or evn a family member. There are many mor things you hav 2 deal w/ than "normal" families do, well if there are any "normal". It makes life a lot tougher. But it is also a blessing. It helps you and lets you understand how other ppl feel who hav special ppl in their life and you kno to stand up for any one who is special. EVER! I ♥ Callie.
She has taught me so many things in my lifetime that she can't even begin to know or understand. I appreciate so much more because I have her in my life. Callie is one of the happiest, funniest, funnest and all around beats people out there. She doesn't let being blind, deaf, diabetic and many othe disabilities stop her from doing anything. Except eating sweets, she can't do that. :) She runs into walls, poles, and trips over cats, dogs, and everthing else in the floor and just jumps (not exactly) rite bak up and says, " I am bind! Hello! What do you expect?!?!?" She always makes us laugh with that one. and almost anything else she says. I mean she evn has excuses for not doing her homework. SHe says, " I am deaf! I didnt hear you say our homework! Speak louder next time if you want me to hear it." She is hilarious. I mean what can you say back to that?
She is now going into 6th grade. Middle school. ahh! i hate that i am moving 2 high school and wont get to be there for her first year. man. Another kool thing about her is that She gets sarcasm. She has since she was like 6. Its amazing. wat other kid do u kno that gets that wen shes that young?
With Callie having alstrom, life is a lot different, well duh u prbly r saying, but in many ways. I mean, you have to chng the diets of wat you eat sometimes, you have to sighted guide her, you hav to talk louder to her, esspecially wen she dznt hav in her hearing aids. The othr day Callie sed, "Kemp, Can you ask mom such + such?" He sed, "yeah." Then she asked him that like 3 more times + he sed "yeah" over and over agin til he finally sed, " Callie! I hav told you Yes 4 times!" then i sed, " She's deaf!" It was so funny.
Callie trys to be very independant, and she is. She will walk off by herself bcuz she thinks sumthing is sparkley or shiny. ik that sounds dumb but think about it this way, if u wer almost all of the way blind wouldn't you think that shiny or sparkley things wer amazing? Dnt deny it, u kno you would. Wen we wer in Boston after Callie had jst finished 2nd grade, We wer at Quincy Market + she ran (well walked) off by herself because she saw a clock which she thought was amazingly shiny and kool. We panicked and looked evrywhere 4 her and found her ooh-ing and aww-ing at the clock. She did get in trouble, but. ya know. She also LOVES things that feel good, silk, velvet, and those kinds of fabric. I mean she cant see em so she likes the feel of things, if ya know wat i mean.
Alstrom has emmotional things also. They some of the time die wen they are younger. i think the avg years of living is 17-19 years. It is sad, ik, but I can a lot of the time handle it betr than i used to could hav. But ya kno. She has jst been diagnosed w/ prbly having a heart defect thing. It hurts my feelings and jst me in general. but. Ther is nothing i can do about it. I jst hav to deal w/ it. hardcore, ik. But ik that I can do it. At least i have family and friends and That Callie does too that have to deal with all of this stuff with me. I mean Callie has SOOOOO many ppl that love and support her. We hav a coins for Callie donation jar thingy that ppl who dnt evn kno us hav supported evrything and Callie w/o evn knowing how much it helps! It does break my heart to kno all of this stuff about Callie and all of evrything. But i am greatly glad that ik it all. I would hate that 2 b a surprise. I nprmally love suprises but that ouwld b a SUCKY suprise if u kno wat i mean. It would b much harder on me if it was sudden than if its over a period of time. If u get wat i am saying. Dnt u agree? well anyways I jst felt like saying that now. It helps a lot. Thanks.
Rocky (♥'s Kemp)
(+ her sister Callie.)