Alstrom Conference= a blast!!! omg. u hav no idea.

Callie is the girl next to Kemp. (Man. on the left towards the back)Callie has red glasses + a cane. she is kind of behind Kelsie (girl on centerish front.) + me. (girl on the rightish front.) Oh my! the Alstrom Conference was amazing. i loved it. i cant even explain how awsum it was. Ok so it started out with me taking all of my finals. 6. on Wednesday so that I could skip skool on Thursday. it sukd. but I got to skip the last day of skool. I was sad to say bye to evry1 early but it was kool. The conference was evn betr. omg. so Me, Kemp, Chanelle, Matt, Zach, and Ryan. + of course, my mom. we all wer the main helping teens there. me, Kemp, + Matt got to skip some skool. Me + kemp thurs. Kemp> Thurs+ fri, + Matt> fri. it rocked. Wed nite= a training for the buddies on how to take care of the alstrom kids. matt & ryan didnt go they couldnt get ther. Zach, me, Kemp, and chanelle went though.
Wait! idk if yall know wat alstrom is. ok. its kids, teens, + adults. all ages can get it. so... symptoms:
-hearing loss
-acantosis nigracans (idk how 2 spell tho. lol)
-cardiac problems
-high blood pressure
-lots of other things!!! omg
My sister has this, her name is Callie. She is so much fun. Ppl do treat her different evn if she acts almost normal. its reely dif to hav a sister that has all of these prblms. u get sor of used to the blind/deaf/diabetes. but the other things are still a lil uneasy. but i love callie. she is so kool. omg!!!
OK. so bak 2 d conference. Thurs. ok so on thursday evry1 came up ther aftr skool + met their buddies + things. it was kool. we ate dinner + then evry1 stayed d nite. xcept Ryan.
ok so friday. evry1 was ther we got up @ 6 30am. ahh!. 2 early. lol. but its ok. their breakfast was GREAT!!! not kidding! ok. We all ogt our buddies. ppl went o their own places. trips. me + Kemp tho. stayed in the toddler room. with Pheobe (Austrailian girl that so cute! 2-4 year old ish), Nacho (lil 5 year old boy that speaks spanish, hes from spain. hes my fave!!!), + Kayla (lil girl that looks like a Who frm Whoville. shes 4rm idaho.) + a few other lil grls + boys. they r so cute!!! + then that nite we all ate + then went 2 d rm. + slept, aftr we made a FEW inside joke. uh cant say them though. hehahehaheha.
Ok so Saturday. We hung out n d mornin. we wer sposd 2 go 2 6 flags. but it was pourin rain. so we went 2 d mall + main event. i got jewelrey. it rocked! anchor blue. hehe. $30.31. cost. expensive. BOGO 1/2 off. rocks tho. lol.+ I had fried pickles 4 lunch + sum fries, + then we went bak + ate dinner + went 2 bed. lots of MORE inside JOKES> cant say them either. lol. sorry. hehe.
Ok so Sunday. it rokd. we hing out that mornin. + then we all went 2 whataburger (d teens i mentioned earlier) + then all d alstrom ppl went 2 mainstay farms. it rokd. i LOVE that place, + I LOVE KEMP!!! + i had brisket + peach cobbler 4 dinner. it was freakin amazing!!!!! ahhhhh!!! lol. NOT KIDDING!!! + then Matt, Chanelle, + Ryan went home that nite. Me, KEMP, + Zach stayed. lol. we rnt wimps. lol. jk matt + ryan!!! hehe.
Monday. me + Kemp went 2 sib shop n d mornin. then we cleaned the rest of the day! it sukd. thats the end of the conference. It was amazing. i had been waiting 3 years for it. lol. ok well i hope u liked my blog. lol. ttyl. bye.