Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cookin' w/ Kemp.

Thats a SEXY pic. dnt cha think? lol. sooooo HOTT!!! thats at d lake watchin a movie. i fell asleep on Kemp. if u can't tell. heha. Omg. Man. Yesterday (Sat.) we went 2 d church + made calzones 4rm like 10am to like 3pm. it took 4evr!!! omg. so we ran out of calzone bread evn tho we had like ovr 100!!! ahhh. lol. so we hav 2 go bak on Wed. 2 finish it

So 2day we had d calzone lunch @ church + it was sooooo fun. evn tho i had a headache + was dizzy a lil aftr evry1 was startin 2 leave. it sukd. but Kemp helped me.

Hes sooooo sweet! lol. so this aint gushy. gooshy. gushie. goushie. gooshey. idk. i can spell a lot but sum words i suk at. haha. i can spell stuf like through, though, their, they're, there, to, two, too. but not easy words. lol. its funny. heha. shyeah! but i like bein funny.

so anyways bak on subject.....uh idk wat i was talkin about so let me read up. oh! so aftr we cleaned up @ d church we all came 2 my house 2 finish makin gumbo that we had started last nite.

(flashback........ so its Sat. nite. 1 am. jst got home aftr takn Kemp home 4rm we wer done makin most of the gumbo. + while makin it i ate HOT SAUCE that Tracy made 4 me 4 my bday evn tho my bday was April 9th. lol. lol. lol. lol. lol. ok well ha.
+ we turned on d TV 2 channel 180. (DISH) + watched the freakin worst movie (if u can evn call it a movie) called Lovewrecked. it has Amanda Bynes. she is a awful actor. ahhhh. + it was about how she followed sum rock star onto a ship + then they both fell ovr board + got ship wrecked on a deserted island. well they though it was deserted. so she went out lookn 4 food aftr about 3 days of bein shipwrecked and found out that they wer jst on d othr side of d island. + she didnt tell him so she could spend time wit him! FREAK! it sukd. but makn Gumbo is sooo much fun. ok. flashforwrd......)

Ok so now we r all havn ppl ovr cuz its d 5th Sunday. so we dnt hav church 2nite. so we r havn ppl ovr 4 Gumbo. lol. so this is perty fun. i didnt think i would hav anything 2 write about. but i do. its fun. hehe. so i ges i mite repost stuf on dis wen i hav time. evn tho i hav a life. since this is my 1st blog entry. lol. its kool.

Kemp is sittin rite next 2 me doin his HW. its kool. lol. this blog stuf is ok i ges. heha. well i hav g2g eat. sry lol. so yesh! ok well ttyl. bye.
Love Always and Forever,
Rocky (love Kemp)